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PSI Technics – About Us

Your Competence Center for the Digitalization and Automation of Industrial Processes


The digital transformation is well underway. We help you to meet challenges in production and logistics while sustainably improving quality and throughput. We always find a way to help customers reach their goals more quickly and efficiently, while preserving resources.


Karl-Heinz Förderer, Geschäftsführer PSI Technics
Karl-Heinz Förderer, visionary founder and customer-focused CEO of PSI Technics GmbH

Karl-Heinz Förderer founded PSI Technics in 2005 in Koblenz, Germany. His passion for innovative, future-oriented and custom solutions is the driving force behind new developments and continuously improved processes that extend to a broad range of industrial sectors. We assist customers with optimizing and digitalizing workflows in production, railway transport and logistics, leveraging the multidisciplinary know-how of our engineers and the creativity of our developers.

Our Vision:
Understand. Challenge the status quo. Consistently move forward: This is our vision of progress. We are advancing digitalization and we are leveraging existing data to create added value for our customers and to counteract the challenges associated with demographic change and the lack of skilled labor.

Our Mission:
We focus on constantly improving the value creation process for our customers. Based on our know-how and our experience, we are able to offer customers maximum benefits by collecting and analyzing a wide variety of image processing and automation data. Instead of focusing on isolated projects, we take a holistic approach – without losing sight of important performance characteristics.

How we see ourselves:
It takes more than a sharp analytical mind to implement challenging and complex tasks with utmost efficiency while ensuring premium quality. Therefore, we are actively developing and expanding our network of business partners. When it comes to establishing a business ecosystem for digitization and the automation of industrial processes, we see ourselves as orchestrators and pioneers. This not only helps us to grow in size and achieve a greater economic impact, but we also become more attractive for talents in our industry. We cultivate the skills of our employees in a demanding environment and empower them to reach their professional goals. A high degree of responsibility, short decision-making processes and agile management ensure a fast, customer-oriented response, which we consider our most important competitive advantage.

PSI Technics Products and Services:
Business analytics, automation and digitalization of industrial processes, industrial image processing/machine vision, automated train inspection as well as high-performance industrial positioning systems for automated stacker cranes and crane systems. Our modernization and retrofitting solutions are designed to increase throughput and quality, conserve resources and minimize claims and rejects.



(Photography: Kai Myller, pvmedienproduktion, PSI Technics)

PSI Technics, New Building, Winningen, Competence Centre, Digitalization, Automation
PSI Technics, New Building, Winningen, Competence Centre, Digitalization, Automation
PSI Technics, New Building, Winningen, Competence Centre, Digitalization, Automation
PSI Technics, New Building, Winningen, Multispace Office, Open Space Office, Co Working, coworking
PSI Technics, New Building, Winningen, Multispace Office, Open Space Office, Co Working, coworking
PSI Technics, New Building, Winningen, Entrance
PSI Technics, New Building, Winningen, Conference Room, Coworking
PSI Technics, New Building, Winningen, cafeteria, event kitchen, coworking
PSI Technics, New Building, Winningen, cafeteria, event kitchen, coworking
Karl-Heinz Förderer, visionary founder of PSI Technics GmbH
Karl-Heinz Förderer, visionary founder of PSI Technics GmbH
Karl-Heinz Förderer, visionary founder of PSI Technics GmbH
Karl-Heinz Förderer, visionary founder of PSI Technics GmbH

Awards, member- and partnerships:

EFRE, VDMA, ZIM, Rheinland-Pfalz, Innovationspreis der deutschen Wirtschaft, Initiative Mittelstand, ISB Success

Focus Auszeichnung PSI Technics GmbH als Top Arbeitgeber Mittelstand 2019

AWS Partner Logo, Amazon Web Services        Siemens Solution Partner Automation Drives, Industrial Edge, IIoT Technology


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>PSI Technics Company Brochure (PDF) >Certificate Siemens Solution Partner Automation Drives - Expert Module Industrial Edge (PDF) >Certificate Siemens Solution Partner Automation Drives - Portfolio Module IIoT Technology (PDF) >PSI Technics is AWS Partner OnePager (PDF)

PSI Technics - Your Competence Center for the Digitalization and Automation of Industrial Processes

We always find a way to help customers reach their goals more quickly and efficiently, while preserving resources.

Understand. Challenge the status quo. Consistently move forward: This is our vision of progress. We are advancing digitalization and we are leveraging existing data to create added value for our customers.



We invite you to visit our virtual showroom

Immerse yourself in the world of PSI Technics, the competence center for digitalization and automation. We accompany your technical and industrial processes into the future.
You can also use our contact form to make an appointment for an individually guided tour. Click here to visit our digital showroom

We have moved!

From March 21, 2022, you will find us at our new address An der Steinkaul 6a, 56333 Winningen in the industrial and business park "Am Flugplatz". Watch the highlights of the new company building

Which image processing solution is right for you?

As image processing experts, we develop custom system solutions for challenging processes, e. g. for the Food Industry - Watch movie for Railway Transport and Logistics - Watch movie for the Automotive Industry - Watch movie for the Raw Materials / Commodities Industry - Watch movie

Industrial Image Processing / Industrial Vision

Designed for the continuous monitoring and visual quality control of production processes.

PSI Technics offers easy-to-use, application-specific digital image processing solutions that are designed for the continuous monitoring and quality control of production processes. Nearly all monitoring and measuring tasks can be automated by means of industrial image processing. Watch movie

ARATEC Positioning Solution System – Powerful Modernization for Stacker Cranes

PSI Technics' ARATEC Positioning Solution System is an innovative solution for industrial positioning applications.Watch movie

We are going to show you what your logistics system can do.

We invite you to experience a completely new type of control technology – in an entertaining short story. A clear and straightforward presentation will show you why the ARATEC is the best positioning solution on the market: For STACKER CRANE applicationsFor BRIDGE CRANE applications

ARATEC – Challenges inspire performance.

PSI Technics' ARATEC Positioning Solution System is an innovative and advanced solution for industrial positioning applications. Watch movie

FLP6000AOC – Advanced Oscillation Control

The ARATEC's FLP6000AOC software reduces mast oscillations – even of highly dynamic stacker cranes – to a minimum. The test setup shows that the ARATEC Positioning Solution System with enabled FLP6000AOC compensates for mast oscillations in near-real time, even when the oscillations are caused by external disturbances.


You've got questions, requests or comments about our products and services? Contact our service team and receive a non-binding consultation.

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PSI Technics GmbH
An der Steinkaul 6a
56333 Winningen | Germany

PHONE +49 (0) 2630 91590-0
FAX +49 (0) 2630 91590-99

